Friday, August 19, 2011

No encore, thank you!

I went for a mammogram and ultrasound the other day...always fun! I was hoping for the all-clear...silly me. Oh no, not so fast, you don't get let off that lightly. A few days later I get a call from BCCA.
- 'You need to come in for an ultra-sound guided biopsy. Monday at 11:00am.'
- 'Errr...say, whaaat? Okay...what is that?'
- 'It's a biopsy guided by ultra-sound.'
- 'Oh thanks for clearing up my confusion.' So helpful.

Apparently it is ordered by the radiologist and done under local anesthetic; it takes about an hour. That's the amount of information I have been given. So here we go again. Nothing to worry about, lots of women have biopsies. Only it is not so easy for me to say that now. I was disappointed, to say the least. Called back in for yet another examination on the other breast. Excuse my language but...fuck that! I'm hoping they're just being hyper-vigilant, as they should be, but really? But do I need this? No I fucking do not!! Deep breaths...and try not to think about it. At least I will get another opportunity to flutter my eye-lashes at the handsome Oncologist...joke! I would never do anything like that. It would be very unprofessional and I take my patient responsibilities very seriously. I debated whether to say anything to anyone; sympathy and concern are not always welcome because we'd rather not need either. But of course I appreciate it is well meaning. And it is always nice to be cared about.

Despite having that in the back of my mind, we had a good week. It has been fun hanging with Jenn and Sapphire and Little well as Nicole and Gala. The girls have had a great time playing in the sun. They seem to have ironed out their differences and are having a good time together. Bronwyn can be very bossy. But I have absolutely no idea where she gets it from.

So I am just trying to look forward to a relaxing weekend with the kids. Weather looks good so we will spend some time at the beach, feed carrots to fat rabbits, and maybe take a trip to Granville Island. And I will try not to think about Monday or any of that.


Wendy Flawn said...

What crap! Hope all goes well, and enjoy the sun in the mean time.

Tons of love, not for Monday, but just because you are my pal.


Katrina said...

Bugger and.....bugger! Another blow you do not need and the sense of stepping back on the roundabout again, I'm sure. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending all my love.

Laurie said...

Lots of love being sent to you! call if you need to chat...or cry....I am always available.
love Laurie

Victoria said...

Thanks is always welcome :)I have some wonderful friends! @Wendy...I'll catch up with your blog too!
@ Laurie...I owe you a phone call and/or a visit and I feel terrible. Will call soon I promise!!! Looks like you're having a great summer.
@Trini...see you for beers tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Trina is a good friend of mine - she said you write a lovely blog and sent me the link. She was right..... I laughed (and cried) at your latest blog and felt moved to send you my very best wishes... I hope you don't mind. I was going to mail Trina to ask if she thought you'd mind - before it occurred to me that it was a "blog".....doh!!!!!!

I can see from your blog that you both share the same fabulous northern sense of humour - "The traumatised squirrel break-up" was hilarious! And I have heard of Grimsby - but then I do eminate from Hull, a stone's throw away in global terms....... still counts though..... given it's Grimsbee!!!).

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed for you.
