Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm back...'s been a while. Where have I been? Certainly not sitting at the computer updating this thing. Oh no...the weather has been good and we have been spending our time at the beach, at playgrounds, watching bunnies, and generally enjoying the outdoors on our own, and with friends. Dust has gathered on surfaces, the laundry basket is overflowing and every one is down to the their last pair of underwear. Disintegrated cheerios coat the living room floor, along with the sand that is trailed in from our sandals. The (new!) fridge is relatively empty, as are the cupboards. There may as well be a sign on the door saying, "Gone Fishing". Potential burglars probably look through the windows and assume we've already been done over. But we waited a while for some good weather and goddammit we're going to enjoy it.

Big River and Little River

Feeding the wabbits
Close to Jericho beach there is an area of brambles and hedges, pock-marked with rabbit holes, known as the "Bunny Circle". Here bunnies live happily (or 'hoppily' eh) and freely; stretching out in the sun, having 100s of babies, getting fat and lazy on carrots and lettuce. I think their only predators are coyotes...but they don't seem overly worried about it; lounging openly in the sun and not even backing down to the barking of frantic dogs. The kids love going there to visit the cute bunnies and force carrots upon them. Occasionally we have seen hamsters huddled together and hiding. I'm not sure the hamsters stay for very long. Why do people drop off their hamsters to live in the 'wild'?

Leaving the safety of their little plastic world, they are forced out into the land of bunnies, crows and coyotes. Yeah, they'll get a better life; if you consider bewildered panic, quickly followed by paralyzing terror at finding yourself as the main course to be a "better life".

In other news I bought some new toothpaste. It is called Crest Pro-Health and it contains grit. It is like brushing your teeth with sand. Nowhere on the package does it say that there is grit in the toothpaste. It is very odd. Be warned...


Katrina said...

Not to sound like a VIZ 'Top Tip' but couldn't you just put sand in your regular toothpaste for the same effect? :-)

Great post and good to hear you're soaking up some long-awaited beach time but that whole abandonment of rabbits and hamsters etc at the beach really p's me off! The empty hamster home photo (sadly) defines it all. I remember a few years ago hearing a couple of kids talking around that very same part of Jericho - one child admiring a dog and the other saying, "we had a dog like that once, but we left him at the beach because he barked too much". A poignant comment on a heartless deed, yet told in a frighteningly matter-of-fact way.

I like the River & River shot - very album cover :-)


Nicole Pilich said...

I totally appreciate the already ransacked / burglarized looking home. I'm glad to not be the only one. Ahhh the joy of being busy doing fun things, isn't that the reason of summer anyways? Well, happy that you finally posted again, I have been checking periodically, cause I just love your humor. See you tomorrow! Nicole x

Victoria said...

@ Trini...yes! that would be a great "Top Tip" and would be just as effective. Yeah, some people are clueless when it comes to animals.

@ Nicole...thanks! Yes that is the reason for summer...the more fun things the better!