Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Almost summer

The weather hasn't been very consistent this summer (well, I guess it's been consistently cloudy and cool). But what is more annoying than crappy weather? Answer: the endless complaining about it. On and on and on. It's weather...nothing personal, nothing can be one is in control. It's just weather. Please stop moaning about it. And if you're from the UK then you should be used to endless grey, damp days...year round. In fact, even if you're from Vancouver it should come as no surprise. Despite this erratic weather we have been able to enjoy some trips to the beach and to spend time with friends. And that is what summer is all about. Our friends Pete and Jenn and their kids Sapphire and River (another River!) are back in town for summer. We have had some fun hanging out and catching up.

Girls playing in the cold water at sunset
The baby and the bathwater...

The weekend after we got back from Saltery Bay was Vancouver's annual Folk Fest. It is usually great music, great atmosphere and a really eclectic mix of people. Unfortunately, this year was a bit of a wash-out, but it was still good fun. We didn't actually pay to go inside because we are broke...but next year (weather permitting) I think that we will. The girls had a money-making idea going where, for a donation, they would ask someone what animal they'd like them to be. The girls would then act like said animal for about 5 seconds. It was a cute and funny....scam. They made $30 in about two hours. 

Nicole getting her chakras cleansed by a man with a large didgeridoo

I did a quick camping trip this weekend. I went to Cascade Peninsula; somewhere I have not been before. A beautiful campsite 13km up a logging road and tucked beside the shores of Lake Harrison. For some reason I only did one night. Why the hell didn't I stay for 2...what is the matter with me? Stupid Vicky...stupid, stupid!

View of Harrison Lake from the campsite

Looking over Harrison Lake from the logging road


But I enjoyed a day by the lake and on Sunday we had beautiful sunny day and a trip down to the beach.

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