Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saltery Bay

Bronwyn and a Bull Whip Kelp

We were supposed to spend the whole of last week camping at Saltery Bay, but unfortunately, we had to cut it short. The trip started out well; sunshine and warmth on the journey there. Two beautiful ferry rides with a lovely drive in between. Even the 1000th listen through of "Rock the Casbah" (River's current favourite song) and "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele (Bronwyn's favourite) was okay. And we enjoyed a bright, sun-drenched afternoon in Mermaid Cove. Sunday was also a warm sunny-ish day. This is our 3rd trip to Saltery Bay and I think I covered the area and campground in previous posts. It is a beautiful place to visit. However, we'll probably have to go somewhere else next year, though Bronwyn loves it there. We like it too, but I am reluctant to go to the same place every year and so we're caught between making something a "family tradition" and exploring something new.

Earl's Cove ferry terminal

River loved the trip. For some reason that we can't quite figure out he calls camping "everyone". He kept saying, "I want to go back to everyone". I think it is something from last year. Sleeping was tough. River could not settle and appeared very anxious and agitated by the evening. This resulted in lots of silly behaviour; making noises, laughing, hand- flapping and screaming and babbling excitedly. It is very difficult to distract him. However, by the 3rd night he was settling in.

Bronwyn had a fabulous time jumping around the rocks and exploring the tide pools for crabs and starfish. But there is no question that it is also a lot of work...for us. It is the type of vacation where you need a vacation at the end. The old saying that a "family holiday"' is an oxymoron rings true. No way of getting around it; we were exhausted! We did get to do the things we wanted to: explored the rocks and shoreline, paddled in the kayak. I took Bronwyn out in the kayak for the first time together, which was fun...even if my arms felt like they were going to fall off by the end. We did a bit of swimming and made lots of fires. River was more adventurous this year, climbing and scrambling over the rocks. It was good to see him challenging himself, even if it was scary to watch. Visions of him falling off the rocks into deep water kept flashing before my eyes, making it difficult to relax. All thing considered, I think he preferred hanging around at the campsite where he could play around, line up the chairs and climb in and out of the van.

On Tuesday we woke to rain, but it cleared up in the afternoon. On Wednesday we woke to a solid downpour that had been going on all night. The forecast showed more of the same. We were not into completing any kind of survival challenge so, sadly, it was time to pack-up and make the journey back home. The weather has not been great this summer...I hope it picks up soon!

Bronwyn "roasted" fern branches
How to stop smoke getting in your eyes...wear goggles!


Anonymous said...

It will sure be hard not to go there again next year though! I know we need to find somewhere new to go but that sure is a sweet little spot. When it isn't pouring rain that is.

Wendy Flawn said...

Looks great fun, shame about the weather. Keep having fun.
