Thursday, June 30, 2011

shoo bop shoo wadda wadda yipitty boom de boom

Whooohooo... School is out! Seeee ya Grade one!. Now onto summer. If someone could just turn on the sun we'll do fine. For some reason when I think of the end of the school year, I am always reminded of the final scene from Grease. Not sure why...perhaps as a young-un it gave me some kind of hope. Albeit fleeting...and false. At my school at the end of the year you just hid and tried to sneak out like a ninja so that no-one would throw eggs at you...or worse. But Grease showed us all that high school could be fun! Really. Teenage pregnancy, drugs, bullies, no future, ...none of that seemed to was about friends and being accepted for who you are. Unless who you are happened to be a friendly, shy which case you'd better change into a slut pretty damn quick if you want to get anywhere... Good memories...great lyrics too!


Katrina said...

Love it!

Wendy Flawn said...

Great film and feeling! (Though a bit too close to home at the moment!) Have a great relaxing time. Wxx