Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday Bronwyn!!!

Happy birthday to our beautiful, smart and amazing little girl. Time has passed so quickly. We told Bronwyn we could get a dog and she was thrilled. Her gift was a "sapphire" pendant and some books. She is quite the bookworm now. Her response is always a little underwhelmed..but we are used to that now. Her dog party will be on Saturday. It is crazy how fast the time goes. What is that saying, "The days are long, but the years are short." A few pics of Bronwyn through the years...

Happy birthday...loved beyond measure for ever and always xxxx

these children singing in stone
ee cummings

these children singing in stone a
silence of stone these
little children wound with stone
flowers opening for

ever these silently lit
tle children are petals
their song is a flower of
always their flowers

of stone are
silently singing
a song more silent
than silence these always

children forever
singing wreathed with singing
blossoms children of
stone with blossoming

know if a
lit tle
tree listens

forever to always children singing forever
a song made
of silent as stone silence of

ee cummings, “50 Poems” (1940)

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