Monday, June 13, 2011

Almost seven

Another rainy Monday...oh 2011, what did we do to piss you off?

My rubbish tribute to Andy Goldsworthy

Back from a fun and relaxing camping trip. I had Friday to read, write, and relax by the campfire and then my sister came up on Saturday and we shared beers, stories, and some good laughs. We also did a couple of hikes. We needed to do something to kill the time in between eh. It was a lot of fun. It's been a long time since I have gone camping with another adult! Went to Sasquatch; the same old place I went to the last few times. Next trip will be somewhere different...promise. A couple of pics.

 in the clear-cuts...eerie and desolate

 For some reason Trini decides to dress like a Paintball player when she goes camping...or a member of (what is called in England) the Territorial Army. I had trouble finding her she was so camouflaged. Actually, she didn't wear all the stuff at the same time until I asked her to, for a laugh.

Where's Trini?
 I can't believe Bronwyn turns seven tomorrow. I told her that today is the last day she will be six, that she should make the most of it because she'll never be six ever again. "I never thought of that," she said. Hope I didn't put a damper on things. I don't think so...she is excited to turn seven. Kids don't seem to look back the way we do as adults. Can't wait to tell her we are getting a dog: the ace up our sleeves. I also have to plan a party for Saturday...better start doing something.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Glad you clarified that I don't usually wear my camo-paintball-TA gear ALL at once :-) Thanks for a lorra lorra laffs, great chats (about time we had a proper catch-up) and refreshing in-between-beer hikes on our wee camping jaunt. Hope to do it again soon :-)