Thursday, April 21, 2011


This week all our thoughts are with Erin, Hogie, Riley, and little Stefan. Stefan is our nephew. He has been very sick for some months and has not been getting any better. Lately, he took a turn for the worse. I visited Erin and Stefan in hospital yesterday. Words cannot express how deeply and unbearably moved I was. I am in awe of Erin's amazing strength and courage. And I am devastated by poor little Stefan's struggle and the suffering he has had to endure. He is just 7 years old. In addition to other health problems, not long after I left the hospital he was diagnosed with a rare condition called a Dystonic Storm. This is an intensely painful condition that has exhausted him and  his poor body. It is also life-threatening for Stefan and he was taken to ICU to be sedated for a couple of days in the hopes that his body can try to recover and he can get some rest. And perhaps Erin and Hogie can get a bit of respite too. I cannot hold back my tears when I think of them and what they have been through, and continue to go through. And when I think of that beautiful little boy. We have to be strong for them, and we have to hope. He is fighter.


Katrina said...

What a beautiful little boy. Poor Stefan, fighting so hard and I cannot begging to imagine how hard this must be on Erin, Hogie and even Riley. We're thinking of Stefan and his loving family.

Sending our love, thoughts and prayers,
Katrina & Lorne

Wendy Flawn said...

Thoughts and hugs are with you guys. Time must stand still sometimes when the enormity of life and events take hold. Be strong but not so strong that you loose touch of the emotions you feel, that is what gives relationships and friendships their value.
