Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring Break cont...

Bronwyn log-walking at Robert's Creek
 Some catching up, mostly pictures: Bronwyn and I went to visit Laurie, Dave and Odelia in Robert's Creek last weekend. We had a lovely weekend. It's great for me to spend time with Laurie, we go back quite a long way and always have such a good laugh. In a bit of 40-something spontaneity, I had my nose pierced. Laurie had hers done the last time I was over and I decided to get mine done too. It is something I have often thought about. It hurt like hell, no question about that...but the pain didn't last long and I really like it. It's very small. Perhaps when it is healed I'll get a bigger stud put in. I figure I've got a few years to wear it before I get reach old age and it looks stupid. Bronwyn seems to like it too.

Windy day at Robert's Creek beach

Laurie and Odelia
My wonderful friend!
On Tuesday I took Bronwyn and Nicky to Chinatown. We had a blast. Half the fun for me is just watching and listening to the kids. Chinatown is full of strange smells and unfamiliar sights (to us, anyway). Nicky had been to Chinatown before, but it was Bronwyn's first visit. She was taken back by the sights and smells that we encountered; lots of live seafood, odd-looking (and smelling) produce and medicines (dried octopus anyone?).
They're alive!!!
Take your medicine
 She said she felt like puking and would definitely not be eating anything while we were there. She went a curious shade of green and so we decided to poke around shops selling souvenirs and bits and bobs instead.

We visited Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden. it's a tranquil and beautiful place in the middle of the bustling urban centre. The kids loved the garden. In fact I was a little surprised at their appreciation of the classical Chinese structures and the plants and trees. But why should I be? The garden is built to harmonize the four elements of rock, water, plants and architecture. The result is peaceful, balanced and affecting. I often underestimate children. I think we should visit when the plum blossoms are in bloom. Bronwyn and Nicky picked out koi fish and said, "I'm that fish, no copy". This is a strange competitive little game that Bronwyn and her pals play. I don't get it. But, hey ho, their world just keeps on getting more and more mysterious as they move further away and I blend into the background.

Looking for koi
Under the bridge
Entrance to the garden
The rest of the week was relaxed and playful. My mood has been a bit low, but all in all I have enjoyed this Spring break. I even finished a couple of projects. I'll post pictures next time. It has been wonderful to spend days with Bronwyn. I miss her now that she is in school all day. Speaking of which, I have no idea how we're going to get to school on time on Monday morning. Well, we won't...I know that.


Laurie said...

We had a great time too! WE do have fun together!Love your other photos and of the gardens in China Town. I have not been there in some time.

Anonymous said...

Bronwyn did actually make it to school on time today ( Monday) Maybe that was because Daddy took her :-)


Margaret Choinski said...

Love the owl sweater!