Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekend that was

Not a bad weekend, all in all. I meant to phone various people...but sadly did  not get around to it. Mum, I will phone you soon! Procrastination again. And I don't like the phone. My family and people who know me are aware of this. I get a bit of anxiety when the phone starts ringing and have no qualms about leaving a phone unanswered, though I usually screen. I don't like being the phoner either. I have no idea why I am this way. For me, the phone is invasive; almost as bad as the person who just "drops by". For goodness sake! Call first. Oh yeah, I don't answer the phone. Okay, well email. We all have email now and or FB. I'd even email 911:

Re: FIRE!!!!
OMG! OMG! my house is on fire! Please send a fire engine asap! Thanks, Victoria

Re: Intruder.
An intruder broke into my house. Please send the police. I don't think he is dangerous, at present...because I hit him with a baseball bat and he's not moving...LMAO!!! But you should still send the police asap. Oh...and an ambulance might be helpful. Thx, Victoria

We finally got around to making some sushi this weekend. In fact we did even more than sushi! Of course I am using the royal "we". Mark made the sushi rolls and the sauces. I made miso soup, which is actually the easiest thing to make...about as much time as it takes to boil water. We also did teryaki chicken, tofu rolls and gyoza. Delicious! It was a very fine meal. Now we need to invite someone over so that we can make it all over again. We made too much food for just the two of us.

On Saturday we got together with other parents from an autism online group we participate in. It was good to be able to put faces to names and to talk about various issues we all share. All the kids were great. Bronwyn and River had a good time. Bronwyn especially enjoyed it when the autism dog showed up. You can actually put your name down to receive a specially trained autism dog. It seems like a good idea, but then I don't know how Bronwyn would take it if we got a dog that was for River's needs. We are better off, if/when we do decide to get another dog, to simply get a family dog and train it. I think.

On Sunday I met up with Trini and we decided to do a bit of a photo safari. I took my trusty Pentax Spotmatic SLR (and my Sony Coolpix, a much appreciated Christmas gift from Mark) and we trundled off to Commercial drive. I'm not sure if any of my pictures will turn out. And it is amazing how fast I have become accustomed to the digital format. Using film again, it felt odd that I couldn't check my picture immediately after I'd taken it. I was trying Street Photography, but people kept moving out of my shots because they thought they were in the way. I need to be a bit bolder. A friend sent me a link to a news story about Vivian Maier, an amazing street photographer of the 50s - 90s who remained undiscovered until a journalist picked up a box of negatives/prints etc. for cheap at an auction. Her photographs are fantastic...and inspiring.


Katrina said...

Wow, you've just introduced me to my new favourite photographer - I love Vivian's pictures, though it's quite sad the man who was lucky enough to pick them up was just a moment to late to meet her. Looking forward to seeing more of her work. That's like finding treasure in my mind!

Incidentally, I had a great time on our breakout photo safari on Sunday!

While your sushi dinner looks (objectively) great - sadly, it does nothing for me. Sorry, 'if only I liked sushi' right?

I know, maybe I can email 911 and tell them it's vital I acquire a taste for sushi - STAT! Emailing the Emergency Services....ain't that a sign of the times.

Wendy Flawn said...

Your sushi looks mouthwatering, can we make a date, or do you do take out. You were the one that introduced us to it when we visited all those years ago.

I was just about to have tea and crumpet in bed, but now I could eat a 3 course meal having just looked at your pictures!

Yum Yum.


Anonymous said...

@ Wendy
Tea and a bit of crumpet whilst in bed is always a good breakfast!!!


I have to ask, when was the last time you even tried sushi? I'm convinced you had a bad taste of one and refuse to try it ever again. For someone who is a vegetarian and likes seafood ( even in curry no less) I can't understand how you don't like sushi. You need your Vancouver residency revoked! eh eh

Katrina said...

Admittedly it was probably about 13 years ago although I've tried sushi-type ricey/california roll stuff since....blairk! But I also find it's too 'fishy' tasting for me.

I believe my Canadian citizenship has already been revoked for saying 'Christmas', not wearing Lulu Lemon yoga pants 24/7 and I DON'T own a single pair of flippin' "Hunters" wellies! They're JUST WELLIES, people!!!

Victoria said...

@ Wendy - Tea and crumpets in bed! Switch it to coffee and crumpets and it's hard to beat that!

Trini: if sushi is "fishy" then it's old. But I still don't think you've given it enough chance. I bet you own some "lululemon-type pants"...and I don't think you have ever owned a pair of wellies have you???? And Vivian Mair is amazing...glad I introduced you! Let's do another safari soon xx

Wendy said...

Fraid it was not breakfast I was contemplating, but late night feast on the side while David was working a late late (1am) job! A girls got to do what a girls got to do!

Believe me, they were gooooooood!
