Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yeah, baby....

At Cypress
A relatively uneventful, but good week. The highlight of this week was on Thursday, when I got to experience the rush of being on the back of a fast motorbike. It was my first time on any motorbike, I don't think I've ever even been on a moped. And it was a blast, to say the least.

My friend, Mike and his wife are motorcycle enthusiasts. One day this past summer we were talking and I mentioned that I'd never even sat on a motorcycle, let alone ridden one. Mike (and his son Nicky) looked at me incredulously, as if I'd just said I'd never tasted an orange or seen snow. I added (with a forlorn expression) that I'd never been a passenger. There was sad disbelief in their eyes and Nicky, with great enthusiasm said, "It's the ride of your life!" With him being only 6 years old, I said I'd take his word for it.

So after me asking if he would take me on his bike and Mike saying, "Sure, just say the word". And me asking (again), and him saying "Sure, just say the word. I finally said "I am saying the word, when can I go?" He capitulated and agreed to take me for a ride on the back of his Suzuki GSX R1100.

I'd say that Nicky had a good point. It was pretty amazing. I had no idea how fast bikes could accelerate and what that actually feels like. When he first showed up I wondered where I was supposed to sit. The padded seat perched on the back looked a tad precarious, but oh well. I was nervous at first, but soon relaxed and then we were off. Slowly through downtown, then holding on as we quickly zoomed along the highway and then along the meandering road that leads up Cypress mountain, around switchbacks, and up to the look out (we couldn't go to the top because the road started to get damp and potentially slippy). It was A LOT of fun. When I was younger I wanted a motorbike...more the BMW style of Ewan McGregor, but I can definitely see the appeal in a "rice rocket". It's a powerful rush, and I was just the passenger. When we got to the lookout, which I suppose is midway up the mountain, we stopped and took a peak out. The lookout provides incredible views of downtown, Stanley Park and the Burrard inlet. On Thursday there was a weird fog, like a thick soft blanket, covering the water. The ships anchored in the inlet were eerily appearing and disappearing into the mist.

Ghost ships in the mist...
It was a fantastic ride. A big thanks to Mike for a great experience. And I think I look good on his bike, it has to be said.