Sunday, October 17, 2010

I got no time for the jibba jabba...

Had a fun sleepover at Michelle's on Friday night. Lots of food and drink with great company (and that includes Bailey and Kelly...her cute dogs). Our movie choices, from Michelle's collection, were "Iron Man" and "Wedding Crashers". Michelle has seen almost everything, but when it comes to movies I am hopelessly out-of-date. Last time we watched "Sherlock Holmes" and I said to Michelle something like, "That other actor is pretty funny too, who is he?". She laughed and replied, "Jude Law!". Oops...I think she must despair of my lack of current movie/tv knowledge! Iron Man was great fun in a action-adventure-superhero way. I think I can watch Robert Downey Junior all day (oops, letting slip one of my "secrets"). Wedding Crashers was okay, but the story seemed to go on forever. Got to bed around 2am and had the most amazing sleep. I always have such a good sleep at Michelle's.

We watched two movies so there wasn't much time for infomercials. We did however catch Mr T in the infomercial for his "Flavourwave" counter top oven . It uses halogen heat, infrared waves and convection cooking to do cooking-heating type things to your food. Interesting to watch, but obviously another needless device meant to add interest to the otherwise repetitive and mundane chore known as "making dinner". Of course it will just take up counter space, gather dust, and eventually find it's way to a garage sale (along with foot spas, bread makers, and complicated coffee machines that no-one can figure out how to actually make coffee with). It does however have the "Cooking Club of America" seal of approval. So there you are. Mr T looked strange, or strange for Mr T. We suspected a face lift or something like that.

Interestingly, (or not) I found a site of random facts about Mr T. Funny, if you were ever into the A-team and are a bit of a nerd who love Mr. T. Here's a couple of my favourite facts:
- "If he wanted to, Mr. T could end world hunger simply by saying so. Unfortunately, he ain't got time for that jibba-jabba."

- "Mr T pities fools at such a high frequency that only dogs can hear it"

- "When Mr. T. prays for something, God immediately fulfils his request out of fear of getting pitied."

Took Bronwyn to a birthday party yesterday. It was a fun party and her friend's mother had obviously put in a lot of work. She'd buried treasure nearby in the park (a treasure chest for each child, painted and made to look like an old pirate's chest). This amazing mum had made a treasure map for each child and then used tea to make the paper look worn and aged. All the kids went "yo-ho-ho-ing" on the treasure hunt and then arrived home to open their pirate chests and enjoy a multitude of treats. There were bandannas and pirate patches and the food was all home-made and pirate themed...shall I go on? It put my "have a few kids round for pizza and play pass the parcel" birthday party for Bronwyn to shame! She clearly won the mother of the year award, while the rest of us stood in awe and felt bad for our deprived children (who in turn cast sidelong glances at us and stored the event as ammunition to use when planning their next birthday).

Not that I'm particularly competitive but I'll have to think of something bigger for Bronwyn's 7th birthday...get one in while she still likes having me around, before the time comes when she will be embarrassed by my mere proximity to her. Not too far off I'm starting to think. I don't think I ever got the heads-up about 6-year old girls. Cute, funny, sweet, and loving one minute...then possessed by demons, arguing, fighting, saying mean things like they hate you the next. Not too far away from spitting tacks and spinning heads. If it's a taster of the teenage years then we're done for.  I hope she doesn't channel a poltergeist... "It knows what scares you" indeed!


Cooking and Screaming said...

I love RDJ, too. LURVE.

Mr. T hawking a revamped Easy Bake Oven! Too funneh!

Wendy said...

You have no idea when it comes to teenage years, don't peek at that bit of my blog or you may decide to fast forward a few years past. Wait until it creeps up on you then re-visit my teen ranting moments, they will stirke a chord!!!!!

You sound like you get a good balance of girly time, I am envious, note to self to try harder. But seem to be trying too hard on too many other things at the moment, scratch that, when I have a moment,note to self, try harder when all the other things move over and give way, and don't accept the guilt.

Parties are fun, but best done with plenty of alcohol. Your only consolation is that she probably had to do it with the aid of drugs!!! Home grown chilled parties are just as much fun too. God what would you do to top that by the time they get to 21!

No meaness meant, I am just envious of someone who has the creativity, time and energy to do that sort of thing.

May the parties reign on.


Victoria said...

I'm surprised Mr T can just look at the food and it will bake...or be pitied...

@Wendy...believe me, I've read some parts about the teenage years that have got me very nervous. I'm living with the naive belief that if she gets it out of her system now...the teenage years will be okay. I have to have some hope! xx

Wendy Flawn said...

It all seems hard when you have to deal with them no matter what age they are. Look for the fun times and life is good. You certainly seem to have a lot of fun times, I think Bronwyn is a very lucky little girl (and River of course) to have you as a Mum. You have very very many qualities that I am sure will make the teens a breeze! Relax and enjoy the ride.


Nicole Pilich said...

It is so fun to read your blog even though I just spent a couple of hours with you today. I can't wait for the next one.