Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 coming up

It's hard to believe that it is Thanksgiving weekend already. We planned a while ago to go go camping for Thanksgiving weekend and take advantage of having the van. All week we have closely watched the forecast for this weekend and it didn't sound good. In fact it sounded terrible. They were forecasting massive rainfall of biblical proportions; ruined crops, overflowing rivers, gales blowing down trees...people were looking worried. With all that forthcoming badness we decided it was best to stay at home. Now it's Saturday afternoon and the rain has only just started. Okay...what the? We put off our camping weekend, the least it can do is piss down with rain from the get go, as it surely would if we actually were camping. I'm starting to wonder if we actually have some influence over the ionisphere.

Having said that we have got some plans for the weekend. Today I took the kids out for a walk in the woods and then down to the beach for a while. And tomorrow we're having a Thanksgiving dinner with Nicole, Troy and Gala...looking forward to that.

Yesterday Bronwyn's friend Gala came over for a playdate with Bronwyn. They got along so well together and spent hours colouring and crayoning and making "TV shows" and "CD's". They covered the wall with their shows; "The Quiet Forest", "Dog's with Jobs", "Sunburst", "Aliens", I got such a kick out of listening to their giggly chatter.

Bronwyn and Gala's CD and TV shows   

(In case you're wondering, that picture on the wall is a rare print from Ikea....only about 2 billion were made...but it covers a space until we find something we like, and can afford. Or maybe we should cover the wall with Bronwyn's artwork instead!)

Listening to the girls took me back to my own childhood and I remembered the vast pretend worlds that my sister and I invented in the hours and hours that we spent playing together. All those childhood days filled with shared whispered secrets and giggles over pages of colouring. Bronwyn and Gala were even talking in their made-up language...such a girl thing. There was some giggly whispering about Alexander, a boy at school who seems to have taken a shine to them. Neither Nicole nor I know of him and it struck me that already they are getting to know people that we don't know, boys no less...already?! Bronwyn announced that she hopes he doesn't have a crush on her, she says she hates when boys do that...YUK! (give it time...)But it was so sweet to listen to them. It made my day. Later on we went to the playground, where they played cats and dogs. They are at such a wonderful age. Reminds of the poem by A.A. Milne from "Now We are Six":

The End

When I was One,
I had just begun.

When I was Two,
I was nearly new.

When I was Three,
I was hardly Me.

When I was Four,
I was not much more.

When I was Five,
I was just alive.

But now I am Six, I'm as clever as clever.
So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After all that , it was a beautiful Sunday and Monday morning, camping would have been doable for sure.

However it was a great weekend anyways.