Thursday, October 7, 2010


I thought I'd mention a few newish albums that I've been enjoying recently

I just purchased "Gown" by Jo Hamilton, a British, innovative singer-songwriter. As with all innovative British women musicians, there are the inevitable comparisons to Kate Bush. However, I think Jo Hamilton (a classically trained musician and multi-talented instrumentalist) has amalgamated a whole assortment of sounds and styles and has crafted something unique and beautiful and entirely her own. I am really enjoying this album.

I am also enjoying "Family" by Le Loup. This is a fun album from an American Indie band. A variety of instruments and textures are explored, often against tribal sounding beats. I have been running to this album lately. I only heard of them because I caught a small part of one of their songs, Morning Song, on a Blackberry ad on the 'puter one day while I was surfing doing research. Here is that track. I guess it's sad that I only got to know of the band because of a commercial...but that's the times we live in. Radio is basically dead. Except for CBC radio one...which I love (but doesn't play music).

Then there is "Heartland" by Owen Pallett. A home-grown Canadian lad. I don't think I can actually describe this album. It's very different. Unusual, beautifully orchestrated, and Owen Pallett is a wonderful vocalist. But for the rest...I'd just say give it a listen if you can. One of my favourite tracks..."Lewis Takes Action". Great live recording.

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