Friday, September 24, 2010

A week in review...

A short update on this weeks happenings...

Saturday: Bronwyn and I attending an improvisation singing circle with our friends Nicole and Gala. I wasn't sure how we would like it at first, although Nicole had described it to me. But I though it would be fun to try....and it was (once the group warmed up and I lost some of my inhibitions). Bronwyn and Gala really enjoyed it too. It is amazing the beautiful music people can make using only voices (no words) in various rhythms and harmonies.

Sunday: a wonderful rainy walk in the woods with the kids and Ellee.

Monday: the beginning of Bronwyn's first full week in her new class. It's a K/1 split and I had reservations at first. But she loves it. There are only 5 grade ones (and I think 11 kids in total). It's a very small cohesive group. The grade 1 kids have really bonded and I think it's great that for half the day there is a 5-1 ratio with the teacher (and that's if all kids show up). I am happy for Bronwyn, who already exhibits a new found independence and "big girl" attitude. But at the end of the day I worry about school and how it affects kids and I wonder what they really learn. Homeschooling would be better...but I don't think we could make it work.
The new BI great for River!

Tuesday: Something wrong with Ellee. She could hardly walk and wasn't eating. Could she decline so fast...she was walking in the woods on Sunday. We've given her glucosamine. I think she injured her hip. Maybe she slipped on the floor while we were out. I think we need to get some sort of non-slip paw coverings for her back paws. Poor thing. It is so sad to see her growing old. Had Gala and Nicole over for a fun playdate. They brought their big, bouncing, energetic 3-year old Lab/German Shepherd over too. He was a real "gentleman" in the house. I was struck by how little attention he paid to Ellee. Normally, dogs (and especially young dogs) want to sniff/play etc. But he left Ellee alone and when I thought about it, I've noticed a similar behaviour with other dogs. I wonder if they naturally realise she is old and give her some space. I think so.

Wednesday: Ellee seemed to perk up a bit. Still didn't eat much though..or move much. We visited Bronwyn's old school in the afternoon and Bronwyn had a play with her friend Nicky, who she hasn't seen for a few weeks. It was like old times! And it was a beautiful fall day!

Thursday: River didn't seem to want to go to school. He doesn't have the ability to tell me he doesn't want to go to school, but every time we turned a corner towards school he'd say, "No, I want to go that way", and point in another direction. Then he'd say, "I want to go see May" (May is his BI who works with him on the days he's not in school), "I want to go park". He pushed out his lower lip and seemed very sad. He was telling me that he wanted to be with May (or do anything) rather than go to school. It suddenly occurred to me that I have taken for granted River's extremely compliant, happy nature.

He is spending the day with strangers. It is the longest he's ever spent without me, Mark, Bronwyn, or one of his BI's. My poor little is so overwhelming and he is feeling more anxiety than I realised. I watched him through the one-way glass. He was okay, very sweet and good with the adults, following instructions etc. But he was sucking his fingers the whole time and didn't seem to understand what he was supposed to do there. He doesn't interact with the other kids at all. He doesn't mind them being there, but he only does things by himself and I worry about that. I'm afraid that he will be so lonely in school and that thought pulled at my heart-strings. I will see what he's like on Tuesday.

Today is Friday...raining. I have a cold (what fun!). But Ellee seems to have perked up a bit. I made her a mixture of ground beef, brown rice, carrots, and olive oil. She has at least eaten something. I hope she isn't dying. I'm not ready for that.

Saturday: What is in the future?


Katrina said...

I know I haven't commented on your blog for quite some time, but I really love reading it and catching up on all the smaller details that we don't always get around to chatting about when we get together. Love your photos too! (& if it's any consolation, I had the 'Christmas-is-here-and-I- haven't-bought/made-gifts' dream only recently myself.

With a heavy heart after the sad events of this past weekend, your last entry for Saturday morning is unnerving. You're all in our thoughts. Love Trini xxx

Wendy Flawn said...

Hope your cold gets better soon, do I take it from Trini's comment that things did not go well over the weekend? You poor things, I can only guess that Ellie did not make it. It is suprisingly tough when a pet passes away, especially for the children, and you trying to be brave for them. Sorry that it has been a tough weekend for you. We send our love to you all and lots of very big huggs
