Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Great weekend...long walk...

It was a busy weekend. I can't remember if I mentioned before that I was raising money for breast cancer research and treatment by joining the Weekend to End Women's Cancers, which is a 35km one day walk (or a 60km 2-day walk). My good friend Michelle, and my sis, Katrina also fund raised and joined the walk with me. We managed to raise almost $5000. On Saturday we did the gruelling 35km walk through and around Vancouver on a blistering hot day. We arrived at UBC Thunderbird so a sea of pink. We had a breakfast and then did some stretches with 1100 other people. Then we set off.

Just before we got going...
It was wonderful to do the walk with Michelle and Trini. We had such a laugh, despite our aches. I saw parts of Vancouver that I haven't seen in about 15 years. I was reminded (not that I need a reminder) or what a beautiful, amazing city Vancouver is. Our mood would swing from giddy...to cranky...to using foul language...to giddy again. And even when we were cranky we were having a laugh. The spirit on the walk was fabulous - everyone joining in the cause. There were both many men and women on the walk and many of the volunteers (crew) helping out were men. So many people are affected by women's cancers. One of the funnest parts of the walk was the people that just came out to cheer us on, or spritz us with water...or, in this case, kids that were handing out cups of iced water.

 It got very hot by lunchtime...5 hours into the walk. Michelle couldn't resist dipping her feet into a water fountain.
 Another little supporter with a great T-shirt...
And we finally made it...8 hours (sore feet, back, and legs) later...I had no idea 35km was such a long way! I think it is a great way to raise money ($2.4mil was raised) and we would do it again. Our feet ached and my back is still sore...but we went home, had a cool shower or bath, and put our feet up. When you are on the cancer journey it is just one gruelling day after another. Maybe next year we'll do the 2-day...although I'm not even sure I could! I am privileged to have such awesome friends!


Wendy Flawn said...

I had a go at re doing the donation to you, but ran out of time before going on holiday, is it too late to donate to your fund or can I still do it via the form you print off and send?

Well done, have a great rest and good foot massage.


Victoria said...

Hey Wendy...I pretty sure you can still donate online. Or print and send. Otherwise you can wait until next year :-) I'm sure we'll do it all over again xxx