Sunday, August 8, 2010

Quiet weekend...

Mark and Bronwyn are away this weekend. They have gone camping back to Birkenhead Lake. I am a little worried because I heard about a massive landslide north of Pemberton. I am hoping they can make it back and that the roads aren't too crazy. I was going to go as well, but decided that I needed some time to plan...and a couple of evenings by myself. It has been a rainy weekend here. I took River out for a bit yesterday. A quick walk and then a bike-ride, we got soaked, but it was fun. We have been so spoiled by good weather that I found myself scratching my head and thinking, "Huh? It's raining...what can we do??" How soon we forget that it rains most of the time here!

I have managed to get a bit of planning done for my kindergarten program. I have to admit I am doing a bit of metaphorical "nail-biting" while I wait to see if anyone is even going to register their child. All along I have adopted an approach that if it works, great. If it doesn't then, oh well. We shall see.

I watched a couple of interesting movies. "White Heat" with Jimmy Cagney. It's one of his later gangster (more Film Noir) movies, but it's still a good one. An amazing performance by Jimmy Cagney as a psychotic gangster overly attached to his "ma". As far as I am concerned Jimmy Cagney played the consummate gangster. I think I will have to rent and re-watch more Cagney movies. I also love Film Noir, but haven't watched anything in a while. Time to change that.

The other movie was a Belgium horror movie, "Calvaire". Very dark and twisted. I've read it described as a mix between "Deliverance", and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (two of my favourite films of the thriller/horror genre), but I think it's more like "Deliverance" gone the extra mile, i.e, what might happen if you found yourself lost, alone, and staying at an inn in the village of the hillbillies. Quite disturbing, but done very well. The director plays with with our sympathies, so that the deranged aggressor is somewhat likable...a nice twist that makes the whole atmosphere of the movie more chilling. I used to watch more horror movies way-back-when. Particularly, during the three mind-numbingly boring years in Kettering, England; I used to watch horror movies just so I could actually feel something...perhaps a bit of adrenalin just to comfort myself that I hadn't yet completely turned into a zombie-drone. I don't watch much these days, and I'm can't stand the stupid "Saw" (torture-porn or whatever) type of rubbish. But movies of the horror-genre with some decent plot and character development that are chilling and somewhat disturbing are worth a watch now and then.

I got a bit of knitting done. Mainly finishing the crocodile for Bronwyn. However, it is difficult to knit during subtitled movies...I forgot about that.

On another note, I am reading "Pickwick Papers" by Charles Dickens (I should have read it long ago...but oh well). It is hilarious! I am enjoying every minute. Maybe the timing is right, but it is simply one of the funniest books I have read in a long, long time.

And lastly, why has River been waking up at 5:30 AM (or before)??? I hope it's not going to be ongoing...


Wendy Flawn said...

Wonderful idea about the kindergarten, hope it all goes well, it sounds very exciting for you. Whilst you feel very vulnerable about it, once you get some response you will know you have done the right thing. Good luck.

On another note but related I think parents also (me very much included in this) could do with help in the ways of teaching and playing with children, it never has come easily to me and I am sure teacher training gives you tricks up your sleeve for dealing with children and educating them whilst having fun and inspiring their imagination. Write a book also with your literary back ground on the subject? I would read it.

Take care


Victoria said...

Thanks for the support, Wendy! I'm not sure it's going to fly...but if not, then I'll move on to something else :)