Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Friendly weekend...

We had a good weekend...one of those weekends when we do an admirable impression of people who have lives. I had a great sleepover at my friend Michelle's on Friday night. We ate too much, drank too much, watched a movie (Sherlock Holmes), talked a lot, and stayed up until 2:00am. I love sleepovers at Michelle's. She actually bought the Magic Bullet and we tried making an adult beverage. Next time we're going to do some more serious drink-making and I will get some spray tan and invite a couple of weird strangers that I meet on the way (aka...Mick and Mimi of the  Magic Bullet Commercials).

On Saturday we were invited for dinner by our friends, Kyle and Michelle (I seem to know a quite a few Michelle's). Other friends, Jeff and Jena were there too with their kids, Mikayla and Evan. We've all known each other from way back when kids were not even a twinkle in our eyes. It was great to see them. Kyle and Michelle are preparing for the birth of their 1st child in December. I hope we didn't leave them feeling fear and anxiety as our 4 kids set upon them and their one-bedroom apartment. Mark and I and Jeff and Jena enjoyed "adult beverages" (I enjoy saying that), and adult conversation on the rooftop deck while the boys ran around and Bronwyn and Mikayla "helped" Kyle make fresh pasta. In fact they wouldn't stop "helping" even when their help was no longer required. But at least they're occupied we thought as we looked on fondly from over the tops of our wine glasses. I think Kyle has recovered...a nice little taster of the rest of their lives.

And they cooked a fabulous meal; fresh ravioli with a squash filling. Delicious and I will now have to go out and get a pasta maker...how can I possibly eat dried crap after that? They also baked some bread and told me about a book, Artisan Breads in Five Minutes a Day (the very title of that book is like music to my ears). Needless to say that book will soon be mine. Though I'll get it from the library first. I am an unabashed carb-addict. Having said that, the reason I got out of making bread is that I tended to eat it; lots of it and very quickly. Few things are better than warm, fresh bread straight out of the oven...spread with (salted) butter. I will try some of these breads out as soon as I get the book.

On Sunday we were invited over for a drink with our neighbours...trying to get beyond the, "Hi....(small-talk type comment)...bye" phase of neighbourly-ness. They have not lived here long. Making new friends in your 40s is not the easiest thing to do, I have discovered. But it was a good intro. It's so much easier for us to hang out with other parents...then we don't have to apologise for our kids. Not only that...you put a few snacks out for them and the kids play together and leave parents alone to enjoy their drinks. We can actually relax and chat and only need to do anything kid-wise if we hear screams...it's a win-win situation.


Anonymous said...

I just realized you were out Friday , Saturday and Sunday. Who do you think you are? :-)

Wendy Flawn said...

We have a bread maker, got it sort of free originally and are now on our third incarnation. We wake up every morning to fresh bread. The malt loaf is lovely and pizza dough is fab. The children love choosing their own shapes for pizza when little and their friends loved doing the same and choosing the toppings. Then when they got older I gave them the dough and they and their friends would do the whole lot. It is lovely.

Have to say on the pasta front, the maker is great, although cleaning it is a real issue we found. I think if you do it all the time it is ok, if like us you leave it for a few months then it all gums up solid and you can not make anything. We have gone through two pasta makers with no joy. Gnocci is really easy to make with not pasta maker. If you find the answer I would love to know as real fresh pasta is wonderful.

Have fun making it all.


Victoria said...

I got the bread book...but there's a lot of equipment needed that we just don't have. Still yet to find a pasta maker. I think it will be fun. I guess we should make sure we clean it...though I somehow see a gummed up pasta maker in our future! xx