Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Mark and I went to the Jonsi show at the Vogue Theatre last night. It was an amazing performance. Beautiful music and a superb visual show. It was the first time I heard the new album, though I've listened to a few songs, and it is wonderful. I love Sigur Ros, but Jonsi's independent work can easily compete. I left the show feeling invigorated and energized (and that is despite my fatigue from radiation therapy!). Even while I was watching and listening to the show, I had the somehow melancholy feeling that you get when you realise that you are completely enthralled by the beauty of the music and the performance, but that it won't last forever. And you won't be able to recapture it the same way again.

Jonsi's soaring falsetto was powerful and entrancing and carried almost every song. He was also backed by an excellent group of musicians who played everything from keyboards to xylophones to the creative use of dustbin lids as well as a suitcase. The set and the lighting was wild and the whole show had a jubilant quality that was quite different to Sigur Ros. The backdrop was of a burned out taxidermist and the musicians were surrounded by some broken display cases. Projected images of animated animals, trees, gothic landscapes and insects meandered through much of the music and brought out the and interconnectedness (I think that is a word) of music, nature, and spirit.

Highlights for me were the energized performance of "Go Do" and the haunting Kolinder...which sent chills down my spine and almost brought tears to my did the closing number "Grow Till Tall". I could go on and on. I'm really enjoying the new is easily going to become one of my favourites. I actually prefer when Jonsi doesn't sing in English...but it is still a treat. It was a great show and it's a fabulous album. You can stream the album on the Jonsi website...

(Pictures from website...)


Katrina said...

I'm glad you had such a great time (and I got a night off from Lorne ha ha). You looked like you were still riding high when you came home. I love it when that happens. I know I felt that way after seeing Sufjan Stevens about 3 years ago.

I need to take a listen to Jonsi :-)

victoria said...

Jonsi has quite a bit more verve than Sufjan - no where near as mellow. And thanks for babysitting! xxxx