Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ron Mueck...

I recently came across the sculptures of Ron Mueck...(yes, yes, late as usual). I am definitely not an art connoisseur. But I wonder...now that Vancouver is a extremely expensive, fabulous, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, international city, will we ever get an exhibition of his work here. Ever? Could we? Please??? There are plans to build a new gallery that should be open by 2013...maybe then? (And, after all, in 2007 his exhibition went to Ottawa). Seeing some of Mueck's sculpture in the "flesh" so to speak...is now one of the items on my life's "to do" list. The first clip is a YouTube slide show that someone put together recently.The second is a post regarding an exibition at the National Gallery of Victoria, in Melobourne, Australia. The clip includes a short bio about Mueck (who began his career as a puppeteer, working on Labyrinth with Jim Henson...which strangely enough we just watched with Bronwyn) and an introduction to the amazing, captivating work that is now on tour in Australia...not quite close enough. One day I hope to have my own photos to post!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love this guys work..and would love to see an exhibition