Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lumpectomy Part II...with added sentinel node biopsy

Here is a picture of the lovely card that my good friend made for me. She cut out inspirational, strong, and loving words from magazines and pasted them all together. It is a wonderful gesture that gives me strength every time I read it. I will treasure this card. Thank you!

I am out of surgery and resting. Mark, who is the most amazing support, is taking care of everything and I am being very spoiled. Everything seemed to go okay. I am a tad bruised and sore and, unexpectedly, peeing blue. As well, part of my breast is a bright blue, quite a vivid shade...a kind of "clorox" blue. This blue colour comes from the dye the surgeon injects in order to help find the sentinel lymph node. The thinking is that when breast cancer begins to become invasive it follows a pathway that begins with the sentinel lymph node. By carrying out the biopsy they can determine if the cancer has spread and, if so, work out a further treatment plan. This could save taking out the axillary nodes which is a bigger operation with more side-effects. I only just found all that out, of course.

So on Thursday I went to the nuclear medicine dept to be injected with a radioactive dye directly into my breast tissue...bearable but not pleasant. An hour later I was having pictures taken in the Gamma Camera, a CT machine. I did not realise that this would take so long. One "picture" took half an hour! Uncomfortable because I had to lay with my arms above my head, but not too bad. I noted that the camera was the "Hawkeye Infina"...made by GE...because you notice these things when you are laying in one for about an hour. It does a cool revolving thing too....all very sci-fi.

I had to be at the hospital for 6:30am yesterday (eek!). My poor sister had to drag herself out of bed and make it over to our house by 6:00am. That's what families are for :) Thanks Treen. Our house isn't that cold is it? You can always put a jumper eh. Anyway, the nurses got me prepped, but the surgeon was late and the OR staff were getting pissed off. I sensed some workplace conflict and didn't want to be having surgery in the middle of it. But what can you do? Anyway, as usual the nurses and doctors were great. I was home by about 11:30, which is the good thing about morning surgery. I then spent the rest of day laying down and trying not to throw up. The anaesthetic makes me very nauseous. Bronwyn was fascinated by the bucket next to the bed and I think she secretly wanted me to throw up so she could be grossed eh.

Later on, a friend brought around a veggie lasagna for us so we wouldn't have to cook. And a strawberry-rhubarb pie from Aphrodites Organic Pie Shop...which Vancouverites know are the best pies ever! Our friends have been wonderful and we feel very fortunate to have such fantastic, caring people in our life. Through all this Mark and I are learning to ask for help and to graciously receive the help that is offered.

Now it is Saturday. I read on this very blog...via a comment (thanks Michelle!) that Dressew has yet more yarn and special deals. I haven't been able to get down there. I'm going to see how I feel later on. Maybe Mark can drive me down there later...if not I'll have to wait until Monday. Although my left arm is aching, I think I can still knit.


Margaret Choinski said...

There is ALWAYS a way to knit Victoria...ALWAYS!!

Victoria said...

Ha kidding! We should get together for a knit and chat one of these days!