Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There are signs of an early Spring all around our neighbourhood...such a mild January. It is lovely to see.

The extended weekend is over and it's business as usual. I am feeling okay, although I am still a bit sore; worrying and telling myself not to worry. I am trying to maintain some perspective. I've been thinking a lot about the people of Haiti, but I don't want to sound preachy or noble. The disaster has surely been on everyones' minds. It is difficult to fathom how people find the strength to carry on. A testament to the power of the human heart.

When things seem chaotic, I need to exert some control over my environment. So we made some improvements to our bedroom. It was a cold and unwelcoming room. The worse "feature" was the ugly, bent, and discoloured venetian blinds hanging on the window and the patio doors. The sticks that you use to open and close them had disappeared and also we couldn't lift them properly...in fact they weren't even doing a proper job as ugly venetian blinds. What did the world ever do to the Venetians that they had to inflict these blinds on us? (I think they might actually be a French Invention, so why blame the Venetians?). We replaced the one at the window and put curtains at the sliding door. We added a couple of wall hangings that we had stored away and the room is now much warmer and more welcoming.

While I am writing this post the CBC Radio 2 is playing Saint Seans Symphony #3 (the Organ Symphony). It is my favourite symphony and they are playing a wonderful recording done by the the Montreal Metropolitan Orchestra. One day I would love to hear the symphony live....in a cathedral, or somewhere that has a massive organ so that I can feel the vibrations through every cell in my body.

Today was business as usual. The morning rush-around accompanied by my ever more nagging and frustrated requests. These usually begin in a pleasant, dare I say, "singsongy" voice, "It's time to get your shoes on", but then quickly descend into a hardly suppressed yell, "Get your shoes on....now! I don't want to be late....again!!!" Blah blah. Why do we do it to ourselves? What is the rush?

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