Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Not quite the birthday present I was hoping for... I got the results back from the doctor regarding my biopsy and they weren't that good. Not terrible...but not that good either. It turns out I have a type of breast cancer called Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. The doctor informed me that it is non-invasive and highly treatable. It seems I have the "good" type of cancer. She was quite matter-of-fact...but it was lunchtime and I think she wanted me out of the office fast in case I got tearful. She's the sensitive type...not! I've done some reading online and it seems to tally with what she told me. That's how it goes today...the doctor tells you something and then you have to go home and google it! Anyway, unfortunately, they didn't get all of it so I have to go back for a second excisional biopsy. I have only spoken to my GP. I have an upcoming appointment with the surgeon so I will know more then. I have to say I was quite shaken by the news. Even though I knew it was a possibility, it is hard to hear and to think about. All kinds of bad scenarios flooded my mind. It is also hard for loved ones to hear. But my friends and family have rallied around to support me. Thank you!!!! The only thing I can do is try to stay positive. Keep my chin up and at least hear what the surgeon has to say. I am hoping the lumpectomy won't be too drastic (but that is me worrying again). The important thing is to get rid of all the bad cells and get healthy! A good friend told me that perhaps this is a warning to slow down and take time for myself to recharge my batteries. I think there is some truth in that. But first things first...I will see what the next step entails when I've seen the surgeon.

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