Saturday, November 28, 2009

Future artist?

(Prehistoric painting from Serra da Capivara National Park in Brazil.)

It was my birthday sleep-in today...yes, my birthday was on Thursday. But I get to have a sleep-in at the weekend. Just before I got up I heard...."Oh no, look daddy". Then I heard, f4#$#@k!!!!!! and a lot of other expletives coming from said daddy. I wondered whether or not I should brave going downstairs...but decided I'd better risk it.

I came down in time to catch Mark spraying the stair carpet with Lysol and dabbing it with a cloth. Then I saw the red felt crayon scribbles all over the light beige carpeted steps. I should have got a picture...damn! Of course, I said, "who gave River felt crayons????" Bronwyn quickly replied, "Daddy did!" Then I grabbed the cloth and the Lysol and said something like, "what are you doing?" Except it probably didn't come out that way. The I asked that all important question..."Which felts were they?" Mark said he didn't know. I had to repeat the question... more like a shout, "WHICH FELTS WERE THEY?????" This, as many people know, is the all important question. There are felts that are washable...water-soluble and there are those cheap dollar store felts that leave marks which will remain long after the our civilization has died out. They will likely be found by a future people; a bunch of scribble and stick figures of animals and people that NEVER WASHED OFF. Perhaps a bunch of cave men and women screamed "Which ink did you use?"...or "ugh..(point, point)". Bronwyn mentioned they were the felts from her basket...phew! The washable kind. It took a bucket of water, of course... not a few sprays of Lysol (bless!). Now they are as good as new...the last thing we need is to owe the landlord a new carpet! Thankfully, it all seems to have washed off. New rule of the house...River must not have felt crayons unless closely supervised AT ALL TIMES!

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