Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rain, rain...and a bit more rain.

It's been raining almost non-stop here for the past week or so. However, there has been a bit of a break today so I will have to get out soon and make the most of it! Yesterday Bronwyn and I walked down to Jericho Beach...this is how dark it was at 3:30pm! Yes, it's that time of year.

Having said that, Jericho is beautiful whatever the weather. We enjoy the beach rain or shine. There is something peaceful and contemplative about having the beach to yourself and feeling the elements. But then I'm a bit of a romantic that way - I enjoy rugged beauty. And we are only a short walk away...I am loving that !

The trees around the duck pond are fabulous. Mind you, I call it a duck pond, but it has already overflowed and so it's more of a general duck area. Of course they stick around whatever the weather because people feed them and they eat too much. Bread is very bad for ducks...very bad. Stop feeding ducks bread. If you want to feed them then buy something like duck feed pellets (they are cheap), or feed them peas or grapes cut in half, or wheat. Or don't feed them at all, just watch them. One of my little pet-peeves...
Anyway, we had a fun walk. We are settling in and enjoying the new place. Not much else to report. My surgery is coming up soon. I am quite nervous about it - but I'm trying to be stoic and think positive. And I have some knitting on the go (a hat for River) to help me relax. I just finished Bronwyn's hat...it's very cute!

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