Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'd rather have a martini...

So at least the biopsy is over and done with. I thought I'd describe it just in case anyone has to have one and wonders what they do. Although I suppose it's not the same for everyone. The day started with the kids sleeping in until 7:20. What the $#@$%#??? We had to wake them up! This never happens....ever. But of course we had to be out of the house by the kids decided to sleep in. Katrina came over to babysit...and she brought us a microwave...yay, thanks sis! (another story...)!

We arrived at the hospital at 8am for a Core Needle Exisional Biopsy (I think that's the correct term). After being admitted into day surgery I changed into the beautiful hospital gown they gave me. Complete with matching socks and "slippers". Then I was taken over to the mammography. That's were the fun begins. First they froze part of my left breast. That stung a bit, but no more than the dentist does when he freezes your gum. I told the radiologist that and he said that they don't really like comparisons to dentists. Why, I wonder? The radiologist then put a hollow (relatively thick) needle into my breast. It actually reminded me of a martini pick, without the little prong...and no olive of course. While the needle was in they took a couple of mammogram x-rays...not comfortable, but not too bad. Then I was left alone, sitting in the middle of the room with the needle sticking out of my exposed breast, while they check the x-rays. Kinda weird. Then they came back and the doctor put a wire through the needle and into my breast and took out the needle. Then a couple more pics...a check of the x-rays and that part is done. They tape up the wire - which stays in to guide the surgeon towards the area that has to be removed. Mark had to stay in the waiting room. I like to keep a stiff-upper lip about these things so I was cracking jokes all over the place.

Then it was back to the day surgery dept. After a short wait I was taken to a stretcher and then they put in an IV. This took a bit of time and was actually the most uncomfortable part. I was dehydrated because they insist you fast from midnight onwards. The poor nurse couldn't find a vein and had to poke around...a lot...ouch! Eventually, she gave up, put a heat pad on my hand so the veins would come up, and did the IV later. Visits by the surgeon, the nurse and the anaesthetists...all really nice and friendly. Then I found I was going to be under general anaesthetic. Up until that point I thought it would be done under a Local. Not that I minded...I was not relishing the idea of being awake for the procedure.

About an hour later I went to OR...the same OR that River was born in almost 3 years ago to the day. They laid me on the stretcher and put me under. The next thing I know, it's about 30 minutes later and I am waking up from a good dream in the recovery area minus 3 cm of boob tissue. There was a dressing on my breast, but no discomfort. I usually set off monitors because I have a low pulse rate - under 50...and this time proved no exception. But I was ready to go home an hour and a half later. I felt fine by the afternoon...just a little groggy as a result of the drugs I'd been given. I took to my bed...mainly to escape the kids and to relax and read. Trini seemed to be okay....just a little frazzled. The kids went easy on her. Mark took care of everything and that enabled me to take it easy. Thanks Mark! Now it's business as usual. It will take about 2 weeks for the results...that is actually the hardest part. The waiting.

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