Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

My favourite elephant, bat and pirate! We had a fun Halloween. Albeit among boxes and packing. Halloween is also Mark's birthday AND the anniversary of the day we it's quite the occasion for us. Unfortunately, Mark's birthday takes a backseat now that we have kids and Halloween has taken over. Poor Mark! But we managed to make a nice dinner and it was fun to go trick or treating...

I was a cat. A very easy costume that I wish I'd thought of years ago. Black pants, black top...$3 clip on ears, some face paint, and a meeeooowww. The perfect last minute costume that I wish I'd known about a while back when there was actually a vague possibility of being invited to an amazing impromptu, Halloween party. (The kind that start after the kids go to bed). Oh well, better late than never!
Our pictures didn't turn out so well. The flash on the camera makes the room light up like a football stadium. Nevertheless the kids looked very cute!

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