Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's almost spooky time!

Well it is almost Halloween. It's nearly as big as Christmas around here. It is also Mark's birthday - so it's an extra occasion in our house. Bronwyn had a school trip to a little family farm/pumpkin patch. I took River along too. It was a lot of fun. It was cute to see Bronwyn with her classmates. The kids are already getting really excited. River was captivated by a chicken. They were running around. There was also a cockerel with a loud crow...he wasn't so keen on that!

Bronwyn got to stroke the horses. She adores horses. I just hope she doesn't get any equestrian ideas because we certainly don't have an equestrian budget!

River took off to inspect some puddles...

AND we got around to carving a pumpkin. Bronwyn drew the design and I carved. Then Bronwyn wanted to pose beside it. We roasted pumpkin seeds and made spicy pumpkin soup. Very good soup, if I say so myself. I will make some more and write out my recipe this time. Unfortunately, we can't do too much decorating...we will be moving soon. Yippee!

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