Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What the !$$##@!!

This is a picture of our car. Notice the big sheet of plastic over the back window...where the window used to be. There is also (hard to see) a huge dent in the top. It so happened that while our car was innocently parked on the side of the road, a teenage boy came riding along with some of his friends down the hill. He got onto the road to overtake, dutifully shoulder-checked to ensure that no traffic was coming, and then smacked into the back of our car, shattering the window and denting the top with his head. Thankfully, he is fine and recovering at home. He had to have "routine" surgery to reattach some nerves in his neck that were cut by the glass. (I'm not sure when reattaching severed nerves in the neck became routine...but, hey, I'm no doctor). He was smart and was wearing a full face helmet - that may have saved his life. Given the size and depth of the dent - he hit the car hard! Poor Mark was just returning from the forest with the kids. They'd all been for a mad, muddy puddle splashed and they were soaked. They came out of the forest to be greeted by the cops and what was left of the back of the car. The boy was taken to hospital. It was quite the adventure.

I think the car is cursed. On Wednesday I parked to pick Bronwyn up from school. I got out and heard a distinct phhhhhhsttttt sound coming from the front tire. was deflating before my eyes. Now I'm driving around with a spare tire, a bumped up front (after someone else backed into it a while back), and a taped up back window. I look like one of those drivers. The ones you make assumptions about and try to stay away from. I wonder if the car knows we are going to sell it.

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