Saturday, October 17, 2009

mammograms and moving...

Yay...we are moving! I haven't even written much about the house we live in. It's a small, townhouse on UBC campus. Close proximity to the forest and not far from beaches etc. The downside is that we have virtually no outside space and we are surrounded by students. Ordinarily, I have no problem with students. Young, free, unfettered...go drink and make merry. That is what you should be doing. I have a problem when they are doing it every night outside my house. Also UBC is a transiet community and therefore isolating. There is no sense of a neighbourhood. At least not where we are living. So we decided to move and found a new place that is only minutes from the beach. It's has a roof top deck with a view AND a yard, and it's the same rent as we pay now. So we move at the beginning of November. It's going to get even busier around here. We are really excited to be moving....not so excited at the prospect of packing boxes. I will think of it as an excuse to have a clear-out.

In other news, I am a little worried because I found out that I have to get surgery to remove a suspicious cluster of microcalcification in my breast. It is suspected DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ). I hadn't heard of it before. But they saw something in my annual mammogram and sent me back for a diagnostic mammogram. Now I am going to see a surgeon. There's no question, that I am worried. It must be every woman's fear. We just hope everything turns out okay. I don't know when the surgery will be - but it should be quite soon. Of course, it will be on the same week we move. I just realized that! And another thing I learned....stay away from Google!

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