Friday, August 14, 2009

The little things....

The joy of little bubbles. That's what I have to remember sometimes when I'm in the midst of feeling anxious and making perpetual mental to-do lists.

It's another busy week. I have been experiencing a constant nagging that I am not doing enough. I feel dismayed not to have done projects that I have set my mind to do. I don't know whether I procrastinate or whether two young kids does indeed keep me crazy busy - especially with no help around, and when one of them has extra needs. I don't even have time to continue my mid-life crisis...which started a few years ago. Or maybe that's what my anxieties largely consist of. Not getting any time to myself to pursue the interests that I enjoy. Or perhaps I have to learn how to knit, read, play flute while I am at the park, cooking dinner, or changing diapers! And speaking of food. That seems to be the largest part of my day...buying it, preparing it, cooking the kids meals, snacks...the never-ending dreaded question, "what's shall we have for dinner?" And Bronwyn and River are very picky eaters - River in particular will eat only about 6 things. Bronwyn is better - but she prefers bland food. I find myself preparing 3 separate dinners on most days. Today the kids seem under the weather. By the time Mark gets home I will be huddled in a corner...jabbering nonsense. I a harried housewife?

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