Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sand in your toes...

We have been enjoying the beach. We spent hours there this past weekend. Here's a couple of pics...although I suspect they are all starting to look the same! I just love it at Arcadia and am constantly amazed by how serene and beautiful it is.

River often enjoys his little hide-out...

And there's nothing like a warm rock to lay on when you come out of the cool water...

Actually, we've been experiencing a heat wave here in Vancouver. Temperatures got to nearly 30. We're not used to it here and people get cranky and a bit stir-crazy. There are also warnings about forest fires. We are hoping that they won't start putting in campfire bans. We have a couple of trips planned and camping is just not the same when you can't have a campfire. Mind you...what am I will most likely rain on us!

We go for quite a few forest walks, it is a place to go that is always shaded. This time of year it is lush and green. The berries are ripening and everything has sprung to life. Ferns cover the ground and moss grows over all the fallen tree trunks. The smell is wonderful; fresh and earthy. It is in contrast to the dry grassy areas that are already yellowing...and it's only mid-July. It may be a dry (rest of the) summer. Unfortunately, River is uncomfortable in the heat. He gets prickly heat and his eczema flairs up, poor thing. He hasn't been sleeping well either so we are all getting a bit sleep-deprived.

I mentioned I taught Bronwyn to knit...well here is proof. She has taken to it like a natural (what else!). I will be interested to see if she keeps it up.

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