Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's been a while...

since I have posted...busy, busy...not to mention I have been melting. We are having a heat wave here and it's been baking. I am not that fond of high temperatures, being more of a Spring/Fall person, but it is certainly beautiful here. Anyway, what have we been up to? Mark and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary by taking our first trip of the year to watch the sunset. Did we take the camera? Of course not. But we will hopefully be down there many more times!

Mark, who has green thumbs, has been taking care of the plants on our balcony (I used that word's more of a bit if space outside the front door).

Yes, this is a real strawberry growing on a real plant...we should have a bumper crop of at least 12! But at least we grew them, and they are very tasty!

Bronwyn likes to help...

Here's a recent pictures of the kids.

We went to a birthday party on the weekend and managed to get a rare family picture. We took a few pictures and wondered why they came out "misty". Then we found out that River had been playing with the camera and smeared up the lens!

Not much else happening. I am not being very creative these days. There doesn't seem to be any time. And it is barbecue and beach season after all!

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