Monday, June 15, 2009

Bronwyn turned 5!

Beautiful Bronwyn has just turned 5 years old! Where does the time go? We had a gymnastics party for her and her preschool friends. They had a great time. We didn't get too many pictures because we were busy organizing twelve 4 and 5 year olds who were desperate for cake and presents! Mark and I were the only adults present. Here's a couple. I can't believe we didn't even get one of the cake... Oh well.

River sat really well and ate cake with the other kids...

We went to the beach the day before and got some lovely pictures. One of the issues we have with River is his constant bolting. He is not interested in playground equipment and feels compelled to bolt whenever he is in a big space, or if there are a lot of people around. But we found a perfect spot at the beach. Too rocky for him to run away, but there is a sandy path to the water. Bronwyn can play in the sand and look for crabs in the small tide pools that fill the spaces between the barnacle encrusted rocks. It was perfect and will now be our regular beach place. It's a "clothing optional" beach. But that is okay. We are not shy.

The view from the beach of the coastal and island mountains is beautiful...

Bronwyn and River both loved splashing in the waves.

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