Monday, May 25, 2009

Weekend....and body butter

Good weekend... Bronwyn and I got tickets to see the symphony. We saw a production called "How the Gimquat Found Her Song" It's a really good kid's concert. A walk through the ages of music and a cute story about how a bird finds its song. The puppet is great. Bronwyn loved it and sat on my lap "conducting" the orchestra. After the concert we went for sushi. I think that will become our regular thing and hopefully Bronwyn will have fond memories of watching the symphony and going to sushi with her mum.

Bronwyn got her picture taken with Peter Duschenes, the writer/director, actor...

I'm so glad that Bronwyn likes sushi...

Let's get off topic a bit...and talk about body butter. When I visited my friend Caroline a while back in Victoria we did a bit of shopping and we found this amazing body butter at Chintz and Co (which is actually a home decor store). It is by Mor, an Australian cosmetic company. It is the best moisturizer, or "body butter" in the world; a thick, non-greasy, luxurious cream. The smell is amazing...Onyx Currant (where do they come up with the names...what does an Onyx Currant smell like? Is it similar to a quartz raisin?). Whatever, the name - it smell spicy and luscious. I use it instead of perfume. I can't find it unless I go online and buy it from the States and pay $$$$. The thing about Canada is that sometimes you feel like you live in a small country cut off from everywhere. The online shopping here is beyond archaic. It is the problem with the States being next-door. You have to get everything from the States and then get charged exorbitant duties and tarifs....grrrrrr....I feel a rant coming on.

This Ray Charles song can brighten up anyone's day...

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