Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day...

Happy Mother's Day! I had a lovely day. I like to think of it as "Mother's Day Weekend". On Sunday Mark cooked up BC eggs benedict (eggs benedict with smoked salmon instead of ham). I had requested a day in Steveston and my favourite lunch; Fish and Chips. Nobody could accuse me of being high maintenance. Dave's Fish and Chips is the best fish and chips anywhere around here. Some people may think differently (e.g., they may think Pajo's is the best), but unless they grew up in a place that has some of the best fish and chip shops in England then their opinion is moot as far as I am concerned. We bought a little kite and took it to Garry Point park. Bronwyn is a natural at kite-flying.

She's also getting the hang of posing for the camera....

And River was having a great time with the signposts.

Bronwyn took this picture of mummy and daddy.

The best thing is that my hip is almost back to normal! It's gone back into position and I am walking without any difficulty. I think I will be able to attempt a run in the next day or so, certainly by the weekend. All in all it was a quick recovery...thank goodness, it really was painful at first. And it was also disconcerting. I thought about how tenuous my reliance on mobility really is. I try not to take good health for granted, but I definitely got a reminder that my body needs looking after. Core body strength...apparently that's the key.
Not much else happening except that River's behavioural intervention is underway and he seems to really enjoy the attention. This week is his first full week. The young women that we hired seem to be really enthusiastic and love to play with him. I am looking forward to seeing his progress. It has been a bit of a mountain climb and so it is nice that things are now underway and we can get into some kind of a routine.

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