Saturday, February 14, 2009

Doctor visit....

I thought I would share this sign that is posted on the back of the toilet door at my doctor's office. I always get a bit of a laugh out of it. Only a doctor could describe, "pee in the cup" in such a detailed way. These instructions were obviously written for some of the doctor's patients who visit earth from other planets from time to time.

Just incase you can't read it....

1. Wash and dry hands.

2. Spread labia and keep continuously apart during collection

3. Wash vulva wall from front to back with tissue or gauze moistened with water. Repeat wash twice more.

4. Initiate voiding into the toilet. About half-way through, collect a portion of the urine stream, then continue voiding into the toilet.

5. Place lid tightly on container, taking care not to touch inside of containter with fingers.

6. Please put your name on container.

Very strange. But I have to go...I drank too much coffee and I am desperate to initiate voiding!

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