Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Back to rain...

So we are back to rain here in Vancouver. But that is okay, we are used to it. Mind you, the minute the days turn gray and dreary peoples' moods seem to turn as well. The angry drivers come out in full force and everyone just seems that little bit more pissed off than they ought to be. Including me. Well, actually I don't mind the rain. You get used to it if you're from England. But I have been worrying lately and I think it's partly to do with River and getting things sorted for him. As well, I am waiting to hear from UBC about whether I got into the M.ed in Special Education Program. And, if I do get in, whether we can really afford for me to go....etc. etc. I have those wake-up-early-in-the-morning-worries. I think we are weakest at 3am. You know, when you wake up and the smallest thing seems to gnaw away at your brain. "You didn't return your library book", or "I haven't been flossing enough". Lately, I have been delving into the second level of worry...death, illness etc. I end up having to get up to write down the worry. Or else eat a banana sandwich with a glass of milk. So there we are, too much worrying is not good. I need to relax. Drink more wine.

Anyway, the kids don't seem to worry much. Although, having said that Bronwyn worries about animals. We are counting the days until she decides to be vegetarian. She told us that she doesn't want to eat animals and sometimes refuses meat. The only thing stopping her right now is when I tell her that it's okay if she doesn't want to eat meat, but she will have to eat vegetables (she doesn't like vegetables, except carrots). She is still pondering this. She refers to any nature shows or books (made for kids) as "Killing Animal Shows/Books", if they show any carnivorous munching. She asked me to get the crabs and lobsters in the supermarket tank and take them back to the ocean (I don't like those tanks either). To top it all I had to save a "drowning worm" from a puddle yesterday. I stopped short of giving it CPR. Do worms have mouths?

I thought I'd show a couple of pics of Bronwyn's preschool building. It is a beautiful Tudor revival style house not far from the beach. Her school is behind the right lower bay window of this picture (this is a picture of the side of the house).

It was built around 1910 as a family home but it has now been turned into a community centre and preschool. The house and the grounds are beautiful. The crappy camera I used does not do it justice. I will take more pictures in late Spring.

Below are the steps leading to Bronwyn and her friend's "house", which is underneath one of the trees. The grounds remind me of "The Secret Garden" and there are lots of place for the kids to play, even when it rains.


Giselle said...

Hi Victoria

I really like your entertaining style of writing.
I enjoy reading it. Keep it coming.

Victoria said...

Thanks Giselle! I'm glad you like it.