Monday, February 23, 2009

Too much music, too many books, too little time....

The lap top is a bit slow. River pulled it to the floor...twice. That can't be good.

Mark and I have just started listening to Jose Gonzalez. He is amazing. Both his CD's are good. I think my favourite is "Veneer"...However, I love his version of Massive Attack's "Teardrop" which is on "In our Nature". As soon a I heard it I had to replay it 10 times (okay...30 times, because that's how I ruin music for myself).

I just finished "In the Wake" and I give it a 5 out of 5. I loved it. But then I love Per Petterson's intimate, simple style of writing. someone else might scratch their head and think it is dull...but not me. The book is about a man who has lost his family...death and divorce. He is relatively isolated and at rock bottom. Thereafter he begins the slow, painful climb upwards. But it is also about his relationship with his father and, essentially, about his identity (that's my take on it anyway). Now I am reading Paradise by A.L. Kennedy. I read "Day" and I thought it was a beautiful, heartrending story set during and just after W.W II. However, it only has 3 out of 5 stars on, so clearly people don't share my opinion. And it has to be said that A.L. Kennedy has her own unique way of writing. I'm also reading Alice Munro's "Friend of My Youth" book of short stories (see what I mean about too little time?)

We are trying to get a Behavioural Consultant for River. He needs a BPI (Behavioural Plan of Intervention)...welcome to the world of acronyms! we are discovering that there is quite a "racket" in autism therapy. Very interesting, and frustrating. But we inadvertently found an Infant Development Consultant who said she would work with us and help us (and that's a free service). So that is good news.

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