Monday, January 12, 2009

Granville Island

Mark and I had a rare afternoon out by ourselves yesterday (probably the first in about 3 kidding). We went to Granville Island, to the market and for a look around. We really enjoy Granville Island market. Lots of fresh food, amazing displays, knowledgeable people and interesting crafts. It was very busy. Mornings are definitely the best time to visit if you actually want to see or buy anything without getting bumped and stepped on. We actually bought various types of onions because Mark has promised to make "English Onion Soup" from the Jamie at Home cookbook I got him for Christmas. I can't wait. I'll let you know how it turns out. (Yeah, I know...not terribly exciting, but it's the best we can do right now).

Big thanks to my sister for looking after the kids for us. When we got home Bronwyn was very excited and bouncing off the walls like Tigger on orange squash (you know the type... the squash that had all those chemicals in it that made kids go hyper). Katrina looked tired and smiled weakly as she mumbled something about it being "fun" whilst beating a hasty retreat out the front door. Bronwyn bounced up and down on the couch, laughing hysterically.

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