Friday, April 15, 2011

Dear Apollo...

I found this note at the swimming pool where Bronwyn is having lessons. Well, actually, I saw it laying on the floor in the foyer and wondered about it for a while, and then River picked it up. I assumed it was a shopping list of some sort. What other handwritten notes are there these days? Who writes letters? It's all emails, texts or facebook. But this note appears to be a good old-fashioned love letter. Mysteriously it says, "Dear Apollo", and then is signed, "Much love, Apollo". That is a bit odd. I wonder if the person it was intended for ever got the note. Is it genuine? The romantic in me hopes that it is, perhaps. Maybe it was written by some love-struck high school kid? The other thing I noticed is that the creases in the paper show it has been screwed up into a tiny ball at some point; very tightly. Screwed up into a ball and thrown on the floor. Who knows...I suppose not every romantic gesture is a welcome one. As a genuine romantic note it's a far cry from the type of handwritten notes passed along when I was in high school. The pinnacle of wit and romance being; "My mate fancies you". A slight improvement on, "Nice tits". Evolution.


Wendy Flawn said...

One meaning of Apollo - the god of day and night. Could it be that deep? The two parts, from the night to the day? I am sure not, as a spout rot.

How very interesting though, I would be facinated, really tickles the romantic in you doesn't it. Reminds me of a film where letters in a bottle get washed up many years old, and they are love letters.

What a fascinating life you lead finding these things.

Keep well.

Love Wxx

Victoria said...

Hey Wendy - maybe you're onto something? I'll have to think about that. And you don't spout rot (that's my vocation). Love Vic xx

Nicole Pilich said...

I thought that it might be a love letter to oneself... You know, perhaps a self-esteem course project?

Maybe we should write one to ourselves?

Katrina said...

What a great note to find and to then ponder the story/events behind it - for better or worse. I've been trying to collect any found handwritten notes for the past few months intending to make a collage of them....but have found nothing nearly so 'meaty' ....and actually haven't found much because most people tap it all out into texts these days rather than putting pen to paper. Ho-hum!