Tuesday, April 12, 2011

But can you eat them?

Mark went camping this weekend so it was just me and the kids. On Saturday we joined a Children's Edible Herb Walk led by our friend, and herbalist, Nicole (who is also an amazing henna artist). It was the inaugural walk and I think it was a success. It's a great idea and the kids loved it. Nicole focussed on herbs found in local parks and gardens that are edible and we sample a small selection at Jericho Park. The kids were excited to try eating different plants, and curious about what they could and could not eat. The parents also had fun. I will try adding daisy petals or rose-hip petals to my next salad. And you can cook and eat dandelion leaves. There is lots that are edible. I look forward to the next walk. I only managed to take a couple of pics. I would have taken more, but I spent a good bit of time running after River who was more interested in exploration than in herbs.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at the beach; kids keeping busy as only kids can. The concession stand was open even though it was a somewhat chilly day. I am eagerly anticipating summer; tanned and salty, snacking on fries at the end of a "hard" day spent playing, lounging, and swimming at Jericho Beach. Bliss.

1 comment:

Nicole Pilich said...

The second walk went even smoother, but it was cold!
Nice pictures Victoria.
Oh and by the way, the "rose petals" were actually Salmon Berry petals. Still edible though, and closely related.