Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rock Climbing

There was no school on Friday and despite the ongoing sickness, Bronwyn and I had some time to get out on Friday afternoon (River was in an intervention session). We joined Mike and Nicky for a walk, paddle, or rock clamber, around the shoreline. It was a beautiful, bright day. We've had quite a few lately, but have been unable to get out much. Mike took some great pictures!

We walked from the yacht club mariner (where we spent a lot of time last summer) and East, away from Jericho beach, following the rocky shoreline as far as we could.

It's a great area to find crabs...
The kids had a great time discovering crabs and unusual (to them) shells. I have no idea what makes one shell a "keeper" when it looks like all the other shells to me...and may even be broken...but then I'm not a kid anymore.

negotiating the "rock islands"...
Unfortunately, the tide was rising and we could not get as far as we wanted. Nicky was quite disappointed and I think he would have swum across the deep pools and on to the next cluster of boulders if he had to. Bronwyn was being the voice of reason.
I think this particular shell still had "guts" in!
Bronwyn likes nothing more than scrambling around rocks looking for baby crabs. She is also a natural climber...she's got some kind of mountain goat-like sense of balance that I certainly don't have. Although I can get around.

Who can resist a branch that sticks out...certainly not a monkey?
I think this is going to be a more regular outing for us and something to try when the tide is on its way out. I think we could get all the way around to Kits beach. That would be fun!

I was amazed at how much water Nicky had in his boots. And he never complained once! He just tips it out and keeps on going, squelching onwards in his soaking socks and water-laden jeans; rallying the troops to keep going...too funny. Thanks to Mike for the photos.

Mark got away camping to Sasquatch this weekend. It will be interesting to hear how it went. Me and the kids have spent the time chilling out. They both seem quite run down. River's hacking cough persists. Bronwyn went to a party on Saturday, but seems to have injured her foot on the bouncy castle. We may have to return to the doctor. But it is another beautiful day...time to get out and enjoy!

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