Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome to the world!

Congratulations to our friends Kyle and Michelle who gave birth to beautiful baby Miles on December 27th. We visited them on Saturday and got to cuddle the sleeping little bundle. And Kyle cooked a delicious risotto. Thank you so much. Michelle is now on mat leave...I see knitting in our future. It's amazing how soon we forget how small a newborn is. And how they smell so wonderful and make such cute little snuffling noises. Beautiful. And now the fun begins!!


Wendy Flawn said...

How absolutely adorable, and ahhhh yes those smells (the nice ones, not the nasty ones like puke)and little noises, they bring back so many wonderful memories. I could do it all over again and again and again (if I weren't a haggard sleep deprived mother of three) that would be the Brady bunch then!

Enjoy those pickled memories of yours.

Hope all is well.

Love Wxx

Victoria said...

I don't think I could do it over again...I get moments when I think about it, but then I say, "NO, NO" xxx