Thursday, January 13, 2011

Small matters...

Busy many of my posts begin with those two words? I mentioned some time ago that I had put in an idea to the local community centre about teaching a kindergarten enrichment program. Well, I don't know if I mentioned that it didn't work out. I wasn't too disappointed because with River and his endless appointments (could be a catchy title for a story: "River and the Endless Appointments"), I wasn't sure where I would find the time. Anyway, enrollment was low and I ditched the idea. Plan B was to teach an early math and early reading course for preschool/kindergarten children. Only two hours a week but I have been super anxious. There's only a few kids registered right now, but still I have been up at night feeling anxiety gnawing on my insides. Then I have felt wimpy and stupid for feeling that way. Really wimpy. I mean, I have taught lots of different kids in many different places, what was there to worry about? But I have been worried. It's been over 4 years since I taught anything in a professional capacity. I didn't know what ages the kids would be (anywhere between 4 and 6) so it was hard to know what to plan. But plan I did and today was my first day. My planning was a bit rusty and I need to adapt it for younger kids (most of them are only 4), but I changed it on the fly, so that was okay. The centre have given me a lovely room that is ideal for my needs. And the kids were great. I don't know why I worried so much. But I felt relaxed as soon as the first child showed up. It was great...and the bonus is that I get paid to do it! If only I could do a couple of hours every day. The best thing is that the kids were engaged and had fun. None of them wanted to leave! Happy me.

Now I hope I can get a bit of sleep. At least one of my myriad anxieties has been resolved somewhat.


Katrina said...

Oh ye of little faith. :-) Glad it went well, although I've always thought you're a natural so maybe I'm biased. Except that I'd want you to be my teacher too.

One less anxiety is always a good thing.

Wendy Flawn said...

How wonderful! Well done you! Glad first day nerves are over, long may it last and go from strength to strength. t is nice to do something you enjoy.

Good luck.
