Friday, January 28, 2011

Keeping busy...

Me babbies off to school...
Here are my babies on the walk to Bronwyn's school. Both with their "familiars" (Bronwyn's, a stuffy and River's, a ball). River now has 4 balls in his collection, although strictly speaking one of them is Bronwyn's. He carries a ball nearly everywhere he goes. What's notable is that I am not taking the stroller many places any more. We've been working on walking (without running) and he is doing so well. He has even started to point things out on the walks (admittedly the same things every time...but it's a start). I am able to take him to the grocery store to buy a few things and he mostly stays with me. His reward at the end is to go up and down the elevator. It is great to be able to go out and about with him and for him to (mostly) stay close. Bronwyn is always fun to walk with. We have some of our best conversations on the way to and from school.

We are currently in the process of changing River's Behavioural Consultant. It's been quite sad and I'll feel better when we have our new routine. This Consultant and her team have been with us since the beginning and they have been great. River has come a long way in nearly two years. But we had always wanted to go with a particular consultant who, up until recently, did not have room for River. It was a tough decision but we decided to change. There were a couple of reasons, but one was just for change itself. I am looking forward to working with the new Consultant. River will keep his current BI's and that is his day to day contact. Aspects of his program will change. I am sorry to say goodbye, but I am looking forward to a fresh look at his intervention program. I just don't like change, and I felt bad about it.

All in all it has been a fun, busy week.On Wednesday morning, I got my baby fix when I went to visit Michelle and baby Miles. Michelle and I aim to make it a regular knitting morning...yay! I may actually, really, finish something! Last night we had dinner with Mike, Sarah and Nicky. It was a good evening. Delicious home-made pizza and good company!

Next Wednesday I will have to forego our knitting morning because I have an appointment for a breast ultrasound. I was hoping not to have to think about that for a while, and I'd forgotten about it until a day or so ago when I happened to check my appointments. It's actually for a small lump that showed up on my right breast a few months ago (just as I was finishing treatment on my left breast). I think it is pretty routine. There are times when I feel like I have time-bombs strapped to my chest.

Off to see "The King's Speech" tonight. I admit I am going because of the hype. Nothing in the premise seems interesting...but I only hear good things about it. I can't even remember the last time I went to a movie. I am going with my good friend Michelle (other Michelle). Looking forward to it. Trini and Lorne are coming over for dinner tomorrow, so I am looking forward to that. Keepin' busy...

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