Monday, December 20, 2010

Feeling the warmth.

Bronwyn being a lit-up reindeer...
No race to school today. Yay! River still has intervention sessions so we still had to actually get up and get dressed...but it was all quite leisurely. Bronwyn and did a bit of Christmas shopping. We had a good weekend. Mike, Sarah, and Nicky came over for dinner on Saturday. Mark made a delicious Rouladen (just a tad over-cooked,  but we're a little out of practise and haven't made it for a while). We drank lots of red wine and dry martinis and had a good laugh while the kids occupied themselves creating a big mess and having fun. We should have people over more the very least it make us clean-up and tidy the house. Mind you, we now realise that we need to provide more heat. Our house is difficult to keep warm and I suppose we've got used to the lower temperatures. I do actually put a jumper on when I feel cold. But when I noticed poor Sarah huddling in the chair with her jacket zipped to her chin, it occurred to me that she really was cold. And then it dawned on me that most people "act" cold when they are at our house; huddling, shivering, not taking their coats off. (Trini brings her own slippers and an extra jacket/jumper). Maybe...perhaps...possibly, that could be because they actually ARE feeling cold! Note to self: must provide heat (even if I don't think it is cold).

This morning for some reason I remembered that this time last year I was recovering from my second breast cancer surgery. What a crappy time that was and thank goodness I can say it was a year ago. I remember longing for the time when I could look back at it as a memory. So with that in mind I am not going to stress about Christmas this year. Mark and I intend to pretend that we've gone away for a week and avoid any commitments to anything except having Trini and Lorne over for Christmas day. To all intensive purposes, we are taking a weeks holiday in a small (secluded) house somewhere in Vancouver. Close to the beach and to local parks. All-inclusive; as much food and drink as we want (providing we go out and get it). No phone service. A bit on the cold side.

1 comment:

Wendy Flawn said...

Ahhh that "school's broken up and it's the holidays" sort of feeling, can't beat it! I love it!
May even be one of my most favourite feelings.

Enjoy your week away! Remember to bring your extra jumper and slippers! My brother is like you with a cold house. He goes one step further, has the back door open in the middle of December to let in some air whan it is snowing outside and our fingers and toes are turning blue. And you almost freeze to the toilet seat as you find out the window has been wide open the whole time, just to let in some air. I make a plea on behalf of all guests everywhere, please please do not do that to them.

Enjoy the CHRISTMAS holidays!

Love Wxxx