Monday, November 22, 2010

River turns 4...almost!

Birthday boy!
 A good weekend. We had a small celebration for River yesterday. He turns 4 on Tuesday...already! He doesn't have any "friends" as such, which is typical for kids with autism, and something we continue to work on. But we invited Nicky and Gala over to sing Happy Birthday and share some cake. There wasn't too much mayhem so River seemed to be able to focus a little on the fact that it was HIS birthday celebration. And he seemed to have fun. I was also glad we invited Bronwyn's friends because that was a lot of fun for her. Lately, we are having quite a few issues with Bronwyn and how she feels about River. I can understand her feelings, it is not easy.

We were also dog sitting this weekend for my friend, Michelle. Her dogs, Baillie and Kelli came to stay for a couple of nights. We gave  Bronwyn the responsibility of looking after them (kind of) and she really enjoyed having them here. They were relatively relaxed and it was nice to have dogs around.

Bronwyn cuddling with Baillie
River jumping beside Kelli
Bronwyn had her first sleep over on Friday night at her friend Gala's. She had a great time and felt very grown up. She did miss us though - especially in the middle of the night.

And we woke up to snow on Saturday morning. Admittedly, just a dusting...but it's still snow. Bronwyn's sleepover was extended to a playdate and fort-building in the snow!

It was a good weekend...perhaps it will help with the general sense of inadequacy as a mother I have been experiencing lately. I keep wondering if I am doing enough. The kids don't do any organized extra-curricular activities; no hockey, or t-ball, or soccer, or dance lessons. I hardly ever take them swimming...or ice-skating. Bronwyn's only been to the cinema once (although she never asks to go). We don't go to restaurants very often. I don't help them make complicated structures out of glue and egg boxes. I don't bake cookies that often. I don't give puppet shows or whatever it is that other parents do. Am I being "out-parented" by everyone around me? I am beginning to wonder. Are the kids somehow being deprived of experiences that they should be having? The thing is that I need time by myself and I need to indulge my own interests and relationships. At times it feels difficult to maintain a balance. Blah blah...stop moaning...just think what they have to look forward to!


Wendy Flawn said...

Know what you mean about the parenting thing. I have just been watching some old video clips of the older two when they were 4 and 2. They seem to have received so much more of my time and stimulation. Katie was making tarts on her own at the age Christopher is now. I don't think he would know where to start. I think I did the high maintenance parenting when they were little and was stressed beyond belief, I now do the chilled - or more chilled type, but wonder whether I am neglecting Christopher. It is a hard balance to make, but if you all feel happy then it is working for you, so stick to what works, if it aint broke don't fix it. And in any event, don't forget the girl times you spend together going off to things, and the camping trips you do, re-visit your own blog and you will see that there seems to be a lot of fun and activity that goes on in your household even if it is not what or how everyone else may seem to do it - be different and enjoy yourselves. You sound like a brilliant Mum so don't beat yourself up.

Lecture over!


Katrina said...

Once again Wendy has summed it up perfectly :-)

I find your blog incredibly heartwarming and feel read 'envy')that you are always doing such fun things with the kids - same whenever I go to your house and take in another new array of artwork and craft projects that you've done in the 5 minutes (or so it seems) since I was last there.

While I'm not a parent myself (unless you count the kitties) I think you share some truly wonderful moments and adventures with your family that I'm sure nourish the soul and nurture their personalities much more than for those poor kids who are simply ferried from one 'organized activity' to the next...and the next....and the next.

Personally, I'm always amazed (& inspired) that you manage to do so much with/for them while at the same time still finding time for this blog, your reading, knitting, running etc. etc.

Now, take a moment to 'indulge' in all that you DO do :-)


Katrina said...

P.s. Sorry I couldn't make it on Sunday :-( River looks so adorable in his party outfit too.

Victoria said...

Thanks...I guess we have to carve our own path, like you said. A blog is very condensed version of what happens. It makes it seem like you do far more than you do! But that's okay...I will stop whining and just do my own thing! xx

Nicole Pilich said...

I always wonder the same thing about me and my parenting, and I am sure every other parent does. You just do what feels right and natural for you, and comfortable too. It is hard to carry on a busy schedule for both the parents and kids. Just relax and take it easy, this is a marathon, not a sprint! And for your information, I think you do lots of creative stuff with your kids.

Anonymous said...

You are a lovely Mum, what you do with the children, what activities, its important to remember that they share their time with MUM, and that is priceless, and creates loving memories for them, which I am sure they will share with you when they are older. Never under value the time you spend with the children, and the important roll you play. You don't have to be super mum, just be the great mum that you are, the photos on your blog tell a story of a very loving Mum who has two beautiful children. NO book has been written on being the perfect Mum, be content in the knowledge that as Mums we meet the needs of our children in different ways, and according to the age and individual needs of each child and their personality and character.Yeah! and sometimes we get it wrong and make mistakes becuase we are human.Don't measure
yourself against your percieved successe/difference in other mum's, cause chances are they, at times, feel much the same as you. You are doing a great job, how about giving yourself a pat on the back now and then, look at all the positive wonderful creative and beautiful times, the wonderment on the faces of River and Bronwyn in the photos, and with their friends too, says it all YOU ARE A GREAT MUMxxx From one Mum to Youxxxx