Friday, October 29, 2010

One pumpkin down...

three more to go...

The multi-face pumpkin!
 As part of the run up to Halloween, Nicky came over to carve pumpkins with Bronwyn. The intention was to carve two, but that was perhaps a bit ambitious given that 6-year olds have the attention span of a fruit-fly. They drew crazy faces around the sides and I carved. It's the pumpkin of many faces.

We still need to work on the others...I think I'm going to have sore hands. I also made pumpkin soup, baklava, and roasted the pumpkin seeds (I was having a domestic moment). Of course, I will probably be the only one to gnaw away on the pumpkin seeds. Apparently they are very good for you. Full of magnesium. And we all know we need to eat a bit more's something I worry about constantly (by the way: its atomic weight is 12, and so it's a relatively light won't make you feel full and bloated like some of those heavier eh. Hey, I just made a chemistry joke!).

When I think of magnesium my mind conjures up lame chemistry experiments from high school. All the kids standing around wearing ridiculous goggles and watching something vaguely fizzling around behind a plexi-glass screen, hoping the teacher would just go for it and create an explosion. One that was potentially blinding so that it warranted wearing those ridiculous goggles. 

Anyway, later we took a walk to the park. Bronwyn and Nicky are really good friends and it is cute to listen and watch them play. They are well into toilet talk. As we listened to their chatter, I was fascinated by how many times they could put "pee", "poo", "fart", "butt" and "weenus" (don't ask), into a sentence. Something like, "And then you fart out your butt and it flies into a cloud of poo, and then it falls into a weenus that farts, and then poo and pee comes out!"  HAHAHAHAHHA!! I don't remember that phase, but I must have gone through it because I have an older brother. There has also been a bit of kissing going on ("ewwwww! giggle, giggle"). Very sweet.

Photo courtesy of River!

On another note, I picked up my Halloween "costume", or at least the accessories. I am going to be a cat. I was a cat last year and I have decided to be a cat that gets a little older each year for every Halloween for the rest of my life. Done. This is the packet it came in.
"Deluxe Play Instant Kit"...who could resist? And just in case you were misled by the photos of the two children in the foreground, the package makes it clear that these are "Adult Party Accessories". Having said that I also bought a packet for Bronwyn's friend Gala because she is also being a cat. I'm not sure what is so adult about cat ears, a cat tail, and a bow tie. I'm not even sure the sexual objectification of women is restricted to adults any more. But we won't go into that. The models have very odd expressions, especially the one in the middle at the back. Embarrassed almost: "Really? You want me to wear this silly leotard with fishnet tights and a bow tie and then put, what are they, mouse ears? on my head...oh, and a tail. And I should look porn-star provocative like the two women beside me? And you're paying me how much? Okay. I guess my modelling career is just about done, but I still need the drugs. How's this?"


Nicole Pilich said...
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Nicole Pilich said...

Hilarious finale to your entry this time.
Had a wonderful time doing the hennas and treating with the kids and oldies! Poor you missed the Sambuca house. Italian night is nigh.