Friday, August 20, 2010

Brave little kids...

I took the kids for their chicken pox vaccination yesterday. I am so impressed how brave they were, particularly Bronwyn. She was so nervous. In the end they didn't even say "ouch". There were lots of treats afterwards. We were in Steveston (where we used to live) so there were a lot of fun places to go. First stop - sweet shop. Lollies all around (and about 20 to take home for back-up bribery), then "Splash" toy store, our favourite toy store, the manager still remembered us, which I thought was really cool. Onwards for lunch at Dave's fish and chips. There was a contingent of elderly folk in Dave's. I think it must have been a lunchtime outing of a nearby residential home. The door was almost blocked by about 20 walkers piled on top of each other. As the seniors enjoyed their meal, they were kept awake by the ongoing chatter of a large, bosomy, cheerful caregiver. She was trying to make things fun (I think), but when she tried to make one old guy (who seemed about 120 by my reckoning) try and "cha cha" to the toilet..."come on, grab my hips...cha-cha-cha-cha CHA CHA", I have to admit a chill went down my spine. What if he had no desire ever to cha-cha to the toilet, which, all things considered, is highly likely?  Kind of odd. But the fish and chips were good and my children have been brought up well and love their fish and chips! I got some good pics on my phone...but have no way to get them from my phone to the computer. Sigh!


Wendy Flawn said...

I am interested that you have a chicken pox vaccine. Christopher had the pox a few weeks before we went on holiday. He was not bad with it, only one really bad night. I thought you would have been anti vaccines unless they were life threatening. Isn't it funny, I turned out to be the anti vaccine one. Christopher has not had the MMR yet and K and M have only just had it at 11 and 13! There are several vaccines we have decided against at the moment as they are either new out or we do not fall in to the high risk catagories. Funny how life turns out.

Hope they do not get the pox. And keep Cha cha cha-ing to the loo!


Anonymous said...

Oh no...I am definitely pro-vaccine. The risks attached to getting even mild diseases FAR outweigh the risks of the vaccine. That includes risks to immune-compromised people in our communities (I was just negligent with Chicken Pox). And the MMR-autism link is rubbish...we get that a lot over here. xxx

Victoria said...

don't know why I am anonymous on my own

Wendy Flawn said...

Isn't it funny how we gain perceptions. Hope the littlies are ok.

You also sound so eloquent, my brain and mouth fail to communicate on a regular basis, I am sure I was meant to be blonde.
